We are coming home!
After lots of prayer and carefully putting in place measures to keep everyone safe and healthy, we are having begin in-person services.
If you are ready to return to worship at church, here’s a few things we would like you to know:
Worship Sunday Services Schedules:
We will not have Children’s Church or Sunday School just yet.
Food and drinks are not allowed and coffee and tea will not be available.
If you would like to continue doing church from home, join our live-streaming at 8:15 AM. You can also watch the service later at the time that you prefer.
About our Safety Measures
We seek to show God’s love to others in all that we do as the body of Christ. Here are several ways in which we will exhibit love to our church family:
About Seating
Below, you will find a gallery of pictures of the safety measures we have taken. Please click on them to have a full view of each!
If you are ready to return to worship at church, here’s a few things we would like you to know:
Worship Sunday Services Schedules:
- 8:15 AM - Contemporary
- 11:00 AM - Traditional
- 6:00 PM - The Worship Experience
We will not have Children’s Church or Sunday School just yet.
Food and drinks are not allowed and coffee and tea will not be available.
If you would like to continue doing church from home, join our live-streaming at 8:15 AM. You can also watch the service later at the time that you prefer.
About our Safety Measures
We seek to show God’s love to others in all that we do as the body of Christ. Here are several ways in which we will exhibit love to our church family:
- If you or someone in your household is not feeling well, it is best to stay home for the day and join church online.
- We will practice social distancing, staying a minimum of 6 feet apart from others and respecting occupancy of one person per 4 square meters.
- Our temperature will be taken with a contactless thermometer before entering church.
- We will be wearing masks AT ALL TIMES, including children above 2 years-old.
- Wash our hands frequently and use hand sanitizer as needed.
- Avoid socializing until you are outside the building and even then, maintain distancing and keep your mask on (even while singing!)
- We are going paperless, but there will be an electronic bulletin for you.
About Seating
- Seating during the services will be available in the sanctuary, Holman Hall and the courtyard. We have redistributed the pews to add more space between them and there are pews available in Holman Hall.
- Windows and doors will remain open throughout the services so bring a jacket in case it gets chilly!
- If you are over 60 or part of a vulnerable group, we recommend that you sit in Holman Hall where there are plenty of windows and cross ventilation.
- You may share a pew with members of your household.
- If you will share a pew with someone who is not a member of your household, remember to keep your distance.
- After each service, every pew will be sanitized. We’ve got you covered!
Below, you will find a gallery of pictures of the safety measures we have taken. Please click on them to have a full view of each!