Our Union Church Covenant
Thankful for God's abundant goodness, and for His great gift of salvation through Jesus Christ, our Lord, I hereby covenant to seek to know and do His will, and promote, as far as I can the interests of Christ's Kingdom.
Accepting Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior, and the Bible as the Word of God, and believing in the province of private judgement in the interpretation of the Scriptures, I seek fellowship with all who devoutly love the Lord Jesus Christ and adopt His way of discipleship as set forth in the New Testament.
Realizing that the success of the Church depends upon the consecration of its individual members, I covenant to attend services, to contribute to its support, to labor to maintain its peace and harmony, and as far as possible, in every way, to promote its temporal and spiritual welfare.
Accepting Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior, and the Bible as the Word of God, and believing in the province of private judgement in the interpretation of the Scriptures, I seek fellowship with all who devoutly love the Lord Jesus Christ and adopt His way of discipleship as set forth in the New Testament.
Realizing that the success of the Church depends upon the consecration of its individual members, I covenant to attend services, to contribute to its support, to labor to maintain its peace and harmony, and as far as possible, in every way, to promote its temporal and spiritual welfare.