Women's Ministry
The Women’s Ministry Board has still been able to meet consistently over the last 4 months, continuing our usual monthly meetings. The board members enjoy working together, praying together, and occasionally having fun together (we even recently celebrated via Zoom a baby shower!).
While not in quarantine Women’s Ministry hosts various fellowship and fundraising events, such as our always fun clothing swap, yard sale, and chili contest. They also have a weekly women’s Bible study that typically meets Thursday morning. The group is a safe haven for women to socialize, be in prayer for each other, and experience God’s Word together. Since being in quarantine we have seen God’s hand in this group and have been fortunate to split into small groups and continue building relationships with some long-time members as well as welcome new friends into these groups. It has been a true blessing to see the ministry to our UCG women continue even when we’re not able to physically meet together.
The current Women's Ministries board is made by the following members:
While not in quarantine Women’s Ministry hosts various fellowship and fundraising events, such as our always fun clothing swap, yard sale, and chili contest. They also have a weekly women’s Bible study that typically meets Thursday morning. The group is a safe haven for women to socialize, be in prayer for each other, and experience God’s Word together. Since being in quarantine we have seen God’s hand in this group and have been fortunate to split into small groups and continue building relationships with some long-time members as well as welcome new friends into these groups. It has been a true blessing to see the ministry to our UCG women continue even when we’re not able to physically meet together.
The current Women's Ministries board is made by the following members:
- Cathy Baldizón - President
- Michelle Pearse - Vice-president
- Anabella Campollo - Treasurer
- Gwendolyng Rodríguez - Fundraising
- Abby Morales - Publicity
- Gladys Güitz - Sunshine
- Cathy Baldizón - Bible Study
- Cathy Pearse - Altar Guild
- Meghan Hunt - Member at Large
- Aida Kaiser - Member at Large