The Union Church of Guatemala will be assisting those in need after the damage caused by Tropical Storm “Julia”
that battered some parts of our country.
Bring the following items:
that battered some parts of our country.
Bring the following items:
More Ways to Support those Affected by "Julia"
Want to donate using credit/debit card or PayPal? Use the QR code, and make sure you choose "Food Bank" from the dropdown menu:
If you are in Guatemala, you may also make a monetary gift by making a direct deposit to:
Banco Internacional
Account Name: Union Church of Guatemala
Monetary Account in Qs: 15-0100909-5
Monetary Account in $: 20-0035095-0
Account Name: Union Church of Guatemala
Monetary Account in Qs: 15-0100909-5
Monetary Account in $: 20-0035095-0
If you are outside Guatemala, and for U.S. tax deductible donations, please mark your cash envelope or write your U.S. dollar checks to:
International Church Ministries (#3622)
Section 3622
PO Box 02-5339
Miami, FL 33102-5339
Section 3622
PO Box 02-5339
Miami, FL 33102-5339
International Wires to UCG Dollar Account in Guatemala:
Banco Industrial
Account name: Iglesia Unión or Iglesia Unión Guatemala
Account No.: 458 005565 7
Please earmark your international donation as “Food Bank” to make sure it will be allocated to this relief fund.
Account name: Iglesia Unión or Iglesia Unión Guatemala
Account No.: 458 005565 7
Please earmark your international donation as “Food Bank” to make sure it will be allocated to this relief fund.